What is this? Is there a good kind?
Thanks!What is face toner?
I absorbs oil. Use Neutrogena.
Yay! 2 points. =)What is face toner?
Toners provide thorough cleansing by penetrating the pores and removing excess oil, dead skin cells and impurities that were left behind from cleansing. In addition they refresh and cool your skins and prepare your face (closing pores for instance) for the next application of your skin care regime, such as applying your moisturizer and then make-up if any.
Additionally, toners naturally restore the pH balance in you skin. Washing your face distorts the pH balance and your skin has to work hard to restore the acid and alkaline balance. A natural toner that you make your kitchen or a store bought product will restore the pH levels in you skin instantly, without a toner, the skin may take up to an hour to restore pH levels after washing.
There are easy make at home skin toners at http://www.CompleteSkinCareTherapy.com I would have listed a recipe here but the toner recipes are based on specific skin types such as oily, dry, etc.
Yes, I am not sure what your age range is but if your in high school great skin is a must. As a skin care consultant for over 7 yrs. To answer your question a toner is step 2 of the face cleansing process. Followed by step 3 of moisturizing. I suggest you invest in your face by visiting your local Macy's or DIllard's Clinique counter and have the representative start you on a skin care routine. THe stater kit includes a cleanser specific for you skin type, as well as a toner for your skin type and a moisturizer. She will be happy to answer any questions for you as well.
It restores the Ph level of your skin.
Also helps tighten pores.
Mychelleusa.com (Mychelle) has a wonderful natural line. You can get these products from Whole Foods stores also.
I like Burt's Bee's toners second to witch hazel....but Mychelle is my favorite.
it cleans oil and dirt off your skin
just go to the supermarket and buy like a clearasel one or any kind. there basicallly all the same
it takes out the dirty oil that is clogged inside your skin =)
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